stan livedeath4 hours ago
the Telegraph also has the story..
Is there a paper in the UK that is not carrying the story?
As Judge Rutherford ordered. Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!
the subject of the `wagatha christie" trial investigates the inner workings of the jehovah's witnesses.
having grown up within the faith, she explains how the religion failed to support her through sexual abuse and shunned her as a child.
stan livedeath4 hours ago
the Telegraph also has the story..
Is there a paper in the UK that is not carrying the story?
As Judge Rutherford ordered. Advertise, Advertise, Advertise!
the subject of the `wagatha christie" trial investigates the inner workings of the jehovah's witnesses.
having grown up within the faith, she explains how the religion failed to support her through sexual abuse and shunned her as a child.
I don’t know, but isn’t her testimony clouded somewhat by the most farcical untruths she told in court in the trial against Rooney’s Mrs? Her story was so bogus the people covering the trail couldn’t understand why she brought the case (at great expense to herself) or why she thought anyone would believe the incredible things she was saying.
“shamed” for being sexually abused as a child could play a role in this along with being ostracised by the community after her parents’ divorce,
'trauma distorts reality as well – it sometimes causes us to see things that aren’t necessarily real.
In what ways is your trauma distorting your reality, or causing you to see things that aren’t there?
Do you often get into arguments where people say that you are not hearing what they are saying?'
hi everyone, its been over 4 months and i have not heard a response from the elders.
i called one of them a few weeks back.
he said they sent it to bethel and haven't heard back yet.
The Watchtowers words did not come true. I am now 50 years old...
The cover of the Watchtower May 15, 1984 has a picture with 16 older Jehovah Witnesses on it and the caption reads, "1914, the generation that will not pass away." Every person on that cover is now dead. Is this "unimpeachable proof?"
39 years ago.
'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
'The Jehovah’s Witnesses strongly denies that it fails to take action when presented with allegations of sexual abuse perpetrated by its members and that it is “false and offensive” to say they try to prevent the authorities investigating sex abuse claims.'
Rebekah Vardy accuses church of covering up her sexual abuse (
Yes now, but what about in the past?
'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
Asked whether making the documentary had given her closure on what she experienced as a child, Ms Vardy said: "Definitely. I think this chapter has closed...'
Earlier in the article she says, "What happened to me during my childhood still affects me every single day."
Which means, there is no 'closure' yet.
'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
'The spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'
Is this true? Worldwide? Or only in the UK? When did this 'new light' letter go out?
I'd like to read the Elder's letter verifying this.
a well-done news story.
the original watchtower organization is incorporated in pennsylvania, and the state has taken on the catholic church successfully.
this is a case worth watching!
Stale popcorn?
New York'
Child Victims Act
WINDOW CLOSED - opened August 14, 2019 and closed August 13, 2021
New Revival Window in New York City.
Window OPENS March 1, 2023 Window CLOSES March 1, 2025
New York State
There are 6 months left for survivors and victims of sexual assault to file their own lawsuits under the Adult Survivors Act.
give a listen to this 4 minute video where a jw elder stammers, stutters & fumbles then hangs-up!.
And here is the link for the BITE model proving exJWs are a cult as well:
original reddit post (removed).
In other news, Jason Wynne shows off the 'stunning beaches' of Ireland 😉😉
ok, here is a short introduction:.
worf has posted an email sent to him by someone who claims: to have testified.
in court in a case involving the illegal digging up of the body of a young bethelite .
New Boy I know you've mentioned a young suicide whilst you were at Bethel or shortly before?
Was A new Boy Have you seen Prodigal Ali's (Formily Ali's Big Toe)recent video where she sings the praises of your book?
wrong New Boy